Using your Grass Clippings as Mulch

Why you should use grass clippings

There are quiet a few benefits of mulching with grass clippings, one of which is that you will no longer have to worry about disposing of them if you usually do. Aside from that, they also provide a good source of nitrogen and potassium for whatever you choose to mulch. Another good benefit they provide is that they will suppress the growth of weeds wherever you choose to use it as mulch. In addition to all these great benefits for your garden, they will also make a good place for toads to hide so they can eat any pests that might otherwise eat plants in your garden.

Where to use grass clippings as mulch

You can use grass clippings as mulch just about anywhere, that being said you will need to pay attention to how thick you are spreading them. If they are too thick, they will potentially turn into a slimy mat of half decomposed grass instead of decomposing and releasing their nutrients. If you use them in your garden, make sure to spread them just thin enough to cover the dirt but not thick enough to where you cannot see through them.

You can also use grass clippings as mulch for your yard, it will help your grass grow thicker and potentially greener. When using grass clippings as mulch in your yard, you will want to spread them thin enough where they are not very visible within the grass that is living.

You can also use grass clippings as mulch in a flower bed and apply them similarly to how you would for a vegetable garden. In addition to all of this you can use grass clippings as mulch around younger trees to improve their source of nitrogen. The most important aspect of using grass clippings as mulch is to make sure you remember to not spread them very thick, that is the number one way to hurt your plants as opposed to helping them.