You do not need to remove tomato skins for this recipe! Just toss your garden fresh picks, roast, serve warm over pasta or fish or puree for a rich, delicious sauce you’ll love for every dish. Freezes well!
Tomatoes, cherry or romas (cut into same size chunks as cherry tomatoes). Leave skins on.
Peeled zucchini squash, cut into same size chunks as tomatoes. Use a 3-to-1, tomato-to-zucchini ratio.
Chopped garlic to taste
Seasoning to taste
Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Toss cut up ingredients with olive oil until all are well coated. Season with your preferred seasoning (we use Italian Seasoning). Spread in a cookie sheet in one layer. Roast at 350° until tomato skins are shriveled (check at 30 minutes). Let cool and puree in food processor to your preferred consistency. Make sure you get all the juices and oils from the pan for flavor.
If you prefer, add fresh herbs such as basil before blending. You could also add roasted root veggies like carrots or rutabagas but roast those separately as they will take longer to cook. Freezes well. Toss with pasta, use for a soup base, add to casseroles, or make into a hearty winter tomato soup.